On June 6, Tovino Thomas took to social media platforms to announce that his wife Lidiya Tovino has given birth to a baby boy. The Malayalam actor had shared a cute image to announce this good news. Since then industry friends and fans have not only been sharing congratulatory messages, but many were keen to know what the couple has named their second child and besides that all were eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of the little munchkin. Tovino Thomas and Lidiya Thomas Welcome a Baby Boy!
Yesterday, Tovino Thomas shared the first picture of his baby boy, and it is just too cute to handle. Along with sharing the photograph, the Malayalam actor revealed that their second child has been named as Tahaan. Before many would pop the question what does it mean, the Mollywood hunk has revealed about the same. The name Tahaan means Merciful, isn’t it beautiful? In this beautiful pic, you’ll also get to catch a glimpse of Tahaan’s big sis, Izza. While sharing the post, Tovino captioned it as, “Can't take our eyes off our boy! We've named him ‘Tahaan Tovino’ And we'll call him ‘Haan’. Thanks for all the love and wishes. Lots of love! #dadlife #mylittleones #Izza #Tahaan #merciful #Haan”. Tovino Thomas’ Malayalam Film Forensic To Stream On Netflix From June 7!
Tovino Thomas And His Two Adorable Munchkins
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Tovino Thomas and Lidiya Tovino
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Although it isn’t a clear picture, Tovino Thomas’ fans are happy that they got to catch a glimpse of the newborn. Nivin Pauly commented on this pic by saying, “Congrats once again bro! Hugs to Tahaan”. Reba John, Vinay Forrt, Samyukta Hornad and many other celebs were all hearts for this beautiful picture of the daddy cool with his kiddos.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 09, 2020 10:57 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).