Ajith Kumar or his fans call him affectionately call him, Thala Ajith, is one of the biggest superstars in Tamil film industry with an impeccable box office record in the past decade. His last release, Vivegam, was a big Diwali blockbuster and went on to make new box office records. Directed by Ajith's favourite director Siva, Vivegam was an action thriller and its action sequences had been compared with that of Hollywood movies. The movie also starred Vivek Oberoi and Kajal Aggarwal.
Now, even months after the release of the film, Vivegam continues to make new records. The movie's dubbed release in Hindi has been released recently online, as well as on television and it is a hit with the Hindi-speaking audiences as well. In a recent development, Vivegam has crossed more than 40 Million views on YouTube itself that too in just 20 days, which is considered a new record for a Hindi-dubbed movie.
#Thala #Ajith's #Vivegam Movie Hindi Dubbed Version Smashed 40 Million Views On YouTube in Just 20 Days..
It's a New Record for a Hindi Dubbed Movie.. #VIVEGAMHindiRoaring40Mhttps://t.co/MDIbKUHlse pic.twitter.com/k1BO3OTUde
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) July 8, 2018
Seeing how well the movie has been received by the Hindi audiences, can we expect a Bollywood remake soon, perhaps with Salman Khan in the lead? It can be Tiger Zinda Hai 2 for you! Just saying!
Ajith is currently shooting for the entertainer, Viswasam, which is again directed by Siva. He is reportedly having a new look in the movie. Nayanthara is roped in as the female lead. They are currently shooting for the movie, the production of which began in May.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2018 10:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).