This comes as very sad news for the fans of Telugu TV show Pavithra Bandham. Actress Naga Jhani was found dead at her residence on February 5 (yesterday) at her residence in Sri Nagar Colony, Hyderabad. As per reports, the actress hung herself. After she was found hanging, she was rushed to a hospital in Secunderabad, but doctors pronounced her DOA. Reports also say that police found a suicide note which remains in their possession now along with the late actress' mobile phone. A failed love affair is being investigated as the reason behind the suicide.
As per reports, Naga was dating a person named Surya, much to her family's dismay, for the past six months. Before she took the drastic step to take her life on February 5, around 9 PM, she had an argument with her family members and her boyfriend. The exact reason is yet to be known, but reports claim that the actress was suffering from depression. Jaya Prada Says She Thought of Suicide After Morphed Pictures Went Viral; Says Amar Singh Was a Strong Support.
Naga's brother Durga Prasad was the one who found her hanging. He had called the neighbours for help after his sister did not open the door for a long time. The neighbours helped him break the door, finding the tragedy that was waiting for them on the other side.
Her body was admitted to the hospital for autopsy and case has been registered in Punjagutta police station. The police is yet to reveal the contents of the alleged suicide note and the findings of the autopsy report.
Naga's TV show Pavithra Bandham had recently concluded its run. Since then, Naga had been running a beauty parlour, as per reports.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 06, 2019 12:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website