Congratulations are in order for popular Tamil comedian Yogi Babu and wife Manju Bhargavi as they welcomed their first child, a baby boy on December 28, 2020. Popular Tamil actor and comedian Mano Bala, who is a good friend of the couple, took to Twitter to announce that his friend had welcomed a baby boy. In his tweet, he also went on to reveal that both the mother and baby are doing fine. Kollywood Actor Yogi Babu Ties the Knot with Manju Bhargavi!.

Yogi had married Manju in February 2020 in a very close and intimate ceremony that saw only 10 guests present. And now, the couple is all set to start 2021 on a more positive note than last year. Yogi Babu Starrer Cocktail and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar’s Danny to Release on ZEE5! Checkout the Release Dates of the Two Tamil Films Here.

Check Out the Tweet Below:

Yogi is touted as one of the most vouched for comedian in the Tamil industry circles. In fact, if you recall, Yogi has also shared screen-space with Shah Rukh Khan in Chennai Express as a Sri Lankan smuggler. Well, here's wishing the couple lots of love and happiness!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 28, 2020 06:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website