Soundarya Rajinikanth, daughter of South superstar Rajinikanth, recently got married to Vishagan Vanangamudi. The director got hitched for the second time with her lover and the pictures of their grand, star-studded wedding were going viral. She headed to Iceland with her husband and posted mushy honeymoon pictures from the location. However, she got trolled mercilessly for sharing these pictures on social media amid the mourning period of the nation during after the ghastly Pulwama attack. See Soundarya Rajinikanth and Vishagan Vanangamudi's Wedding Reception Pics Here.
The terrorist attack that happened in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir, got over 40 CRPF jawans killed and several others injured. The nation is in the mourning period of these bravehearts. However, Soundarya posting her happy honeymoon pictures from the serene icy location did not go down well with the fans.
The VIP 2 filmmaker posted snaps with husband with the caption, "#Iceland #Honeymoon #Freezing #LovingIt #LivingLife #GodsAreWithUs #MissingVed." The fans attacked her on the social media for not posting anything about the martyrs. Check out the tweets below.
Soundarya's Tweet
#Iceland #Honeymoon #Freezing #LovingIt #LivingLife #GodsAreWithUs #MissingVed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
— soundarya rajnikanth (@soundaryaarajni) February 15, 2019
And Here are the Trolls
#VedVishaganSoundarya #SoundaryaWedsVishagan while u njoy do take mourn for our killed Kashmir Jawans since they are the ones make India safe for u n family when return from luxurious holidays ! Samjey !!
— Celvii Avata (@CelviiAvata) February 15, 2019
No Mourning Tweet, Complain Fans
Taken sis. But surprised to see your tweet in our timeline that you without mourning tweeting here in our time line
— Karthick Shanmugam (@Karthic83825130) February 16, 2019
Nice....Very nice...... Enjoy the honeymoon days. But we are in sorrow here due to killing of 44 CRPF jawans @Pulwama,Kashmir, by the jihadees.
— மக்கள் தலைவரின் காவலன் சேதுராமன் (@SETHURAMANB1) February 16, 2019
On the Bollywood front, the industry has taken a decision to observe a Black Day on February 17th for the martyrs. The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) has taken this initiative according to the reports. There will be reportedly no work done in the industry during 2pm to 4pm on Sunday as there will be a prayer session during this slot. Also, Bollywood's Shahenshah, Amitabh Bachchan has decided to donate Rs 5 lakhs to each of the family of the martyrs. Coming back to Soundarya, it is to be seen whether the South star will have anything to say on these trolls.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 16, 2019 06:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website