A tragic incident marred the grand premiere of Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule in Hyderabad. A 32-year-old woman, Revathi, lost her life in a stampede triggered by the actor's surprise visit. Her young son, Sritej, is currently battling for his life in a hospital. The incident has cast a shadow over the film's release, highlighting the dangers of uncontrolled crowds and inadequate security measures. Revathi's husband, Mogadampalli Bhaskar, is devastated by the loss of his wife and fears for his son's life. The boy, who became a fan of Allu Arjun after watching Pushpa: The Rise, is now fighting for his survival. ‘Pushpa 2 – The Rule’ Box Office Collection Day 1: Hindi Version of Allu Arjun’s Film Earns INR 72 Crore, Beats Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawan’ Opening Record.

Husband Mourns Wife Revathi's Death at 'Pushpa 2' Screening

“She donated her liver, gave me a new life, and now she’s gone,” said a heartbroken Bhaskar, 40, in an interview with TOI. In 2023, his wife, Revathi, selflessly donated her liver to save him. Bhaskar, still recovering, is not currently employed. Reflecting on the tragic night, he shared that he had taken his wife and two children to Sandhya Theatre, excited for the premiere of Pushpa 2, where actor Allu Arjun was expected to attend. Sadly, that night turned into a devastating loss for the family. ‘Pushpa 2’ Screening in Betul Turns Violent: Two Groups Clash at Madhya Pradesh Theatre, Video Goes Viral.

Watch 'Pushpa 2' Trailer:

"I decided to drop Sanvi at my in-laws' home in the lane next to the theatre. By the time I returned, my wife and son weren't where I left them. When I called, Revathi said they were inside the theatre... That was the last I heard her voice," Bhasker said to the portal. "I didn’t hear any updates about Revathi until 2:30 am Thursday. That’s when a few officers came and broke the heartbreaking news to me. My world shattered in that moment," he recalled.

During the stampede, Revathi tragically lost her life, while her son Sritej suffered from suffocation. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Reports suggest that Revathi sustained fatal injuries while shielding her son from the chaotic crowd, which became further disorganised after police intervention. Allu Arjun To Face Legal Action After Tragic Stampede at ‘Pushpa 2 – The Rule’ Premiere – Reports.

Case Lodged Against Allu Arjun & Others

Following the tragic death of a woman during a stampede at the Pushpa 2: The Rule premiere in Hyderabad, a case has been registered against actor Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management. The case, filed under sections 105 and 118(1) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), was lodged at the Chikkadpally police station based on a complaint by the deceased's family.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 02:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).