Telugu star Prabhas' fun interview of Akash Puri and Ketika Sharma has gone viral. This interview is a part of the promotions for Akash and Ketika's movie 'Romantic'. Prabhas had launched the theatrical trailer of 'Romantic', as he shares a very good rapport with the movie's producer Puri Jagannadh ('Liger' movie director who turns producer for his son). Prabhas, who is a fun-loving, witty person, is seen sharing some funny moments, during his interaction with Akash and Ketika after the trailer launch. Prabhas Turns 42: Anushka Shetty, Bhagyashree and Other Celebs Wish the Radhe Shyam Actor on His Birthday!

The good-humoured interview features Prabhas' funny side, as he is seen interacting with the young actors. Ketika introduced herself, saying, "Hi sir, I am Ketika from Delhi, Prabhas replied, saying, 'Hi madam, I am Prabhas from Mogalthuru'," on a witty note, which cracked everyone up. Is Manoj Bajpayee Playing an Antagonist in Prabhas’ Salaar? Here’s How the Actor Reacted.

As Ketika is good at singing, she has also crooned a cover song. In this context, Prabhas went on, asking her to sing a song for them. The shy actress Ketika was reluctant, and Akash hence pushed her saying, "Please imagine this is your bathroom and no one is around. Not even Darling (Prabhas)".

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Prabhas' witty reply added much fun, as he said "Why would I be in her bathroom? So, no. I am not around. Here you go! I close my eyes, please sing". Prabhas also wished the young actors good luck for their upcoming movie 'Romantic'. Directed by debutante Anil Paduri, 'Romantic' also features veteran actress Ramya Krishna in a key role. The film is slated for release on October 29.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 27, 2021 02:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website