On the occasion of the Varamahalakshmi festival, Kantara star Rishab Shetty shared family photos, wishing his fans good health and wealth. The star enjoys a huge fanbase across the world, especially after the phenomenal success of Kantara which stood as a real testament to his unique storytelling. The star celebrated the Varamahalakshmi festival with his family. Taking to Instagram, Rishab's wife Pragathi Shetty shared some family photos in which the couple can be seen along with their kids Ranvit and Radhya. They can be seen dressed in traditional attire. Kantara Star Rishab Shetty Attends Bhoota Kola Festival, Seeks Blessings From Panjurli Daiva (Watch Video).

He further wrote the caption in Kannada which transcribes as: "Moments of celebrating Varamahalakshmi festival. May the mother give health and wealth to everyone. #varamahalakshmi #lakshmipooja." On the film front, Rishab is currently working on the next part of his global blockbuster 'Kantara' which is going to be a prequel. Rishab Shetty Wins Most Promising Actor Award For Kantara at Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival 2023!.

Check Out Rishab Shetty IG Post:

Bringing the story from the heartlands of India, Kantara earned immense love from all across including, renowned celebrities, political dignitaries, cricketers, and the audience. Having just been made with a budget of Rs 16 crore, the film booked a phenomenal run at the box office and went on to collect a huge figure of Rs 450 crore. The prequel for Kantara will be produced by Vijay Kiragandur and Chaluve Gowda, under Hombale Films, the film will feature Rishab in the lead.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 28, 2023 09:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).