While the rest of the country awaits the release of his 2.0, touted as India's most expensive film, Rajinikanth has gone ahead and completed the shoot of his next after that. He is playing the lead in the young but talented film-maker Karthik Subbaraj's next, Petta. The shoot has been completed 15 days ahead of the schedule and Rajinikanth himself confirmed this development on Twitter, while also wishing his fans on Vijay Dashami. He had tweeted, "It’s a wrap for #Petta. 15 days ahead of schedule. I thank @sunpictures @karthiksubbaraj @DOP_Tirru and the entire team Involved. Here’s Wishing everyone a very happy #Vijayadashami." Petta Second Look: Rajinikanth's Rustic Desi Look With Super Cool Staches Is A Winner!
Petta's director Karthik Subbaraj is known for making cult hits like Pizza, Jigarthanda, Iraivi and the silent horror-thriller Mercury. His favourite actor, Vijay Sethupathi, also has an important role in Petta, while Trisha is playing the female lead. This is the first time both the actors are working with Rajinikanth. Petta Motion Poster: Rajinikanth and Karthik Subbaraj’s Next Is Going to Be High on Action – Watch Video.
Check out Rajinikanth's tweet below -
It’s a wrap for #Petta. 15 days ahead of schedule. I thank @sunpictures @karthiksubbaraj @DOP_Tirru and the entire team Involved. Here’s Wishing everyone a very happy #Vijayadashami
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 19, 2018
Earlier, the makers had revealed a teaser look video of the film -
Petta also marks the Tamil debut of Bollywood star Nawazuddin Siddiqui, while it also stars M Sasikumar, Bobby Simha, J Mahendran and Guru Somasundaram. The movie is all set to release next year.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 19, 2018 07:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).