Radhe Shyam: Makers Introduce Prabhas As Vikramaditya Ahead Of His Birthday And The Superstar Looks Dapper!

The makers of Radhe Shyam had promised that they would be sharing a big surprise for all fans today. The team has indeed given a major treat for all fans of Prabhas.

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Radhe Shyam: Makers Introduce Prabhas As Vikramaditya Ahead Of His Birthday And The Superstar Looks Dapper!
Prabhas as Vikramaditya in Radhe Shyam (Photo Credits: Twitter)

The makers of Radhe Shyam had promised that they would be sharing a big surprise for all fans today. The team has indeed given a major treat for all fans of Prabhas especially, right before his 41st birthday that is on October 23. The makers of Radhe Shyam have introduced Prabhas as Vikramaditya and shared his look from the film. We must say, his dapper look will surely steal your heart. Radhe Shyam: Makers Of Prabhas And Pooja Hegde Starrer Have A Big Surprise For Fans On October 21! (Watch Video).

The poster introducing Prabhas’ character from Radhe Shyam is bright and colourful. It features a series of colorful vintage cars set against the backdrop of exquisite monuments. Prabhas is seen sporting a stylish semi-formal avatar, black pants teamed with burgundy colors t-shirt and an indigo colour casual blazer. The handsome hunk who is seen seated on one of the vintage cars has completed his look with a pair of laced leather shoes, stylish pair of sunglasses, side-swept hairstyle and an infectious smile. Beats of Radhe Shyam: First Motion Poster of Prabhas' Next to Release on His Birthday!

Prabhas As Vikramaditya In Radhe Shyam

This poster of Prabhas has been released in multiple languages and we bet, fans are thrilled to see his dapper avatar. It was on the occasion of Pooja Hegde’s birthday, the female lead, when the team had introduced her character look from the film. Well, now we just cannot wait for ‘Beats Of Radhe Shyam’, the first motion poster of Radha Krishna Kumar directorial to be dropped online and that is happening on October 23!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 21, 2020 12:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Radhe Shyam: Makers Introduce Prabhas As Vikramaditya Ahead Of His Birthday And The Superstar Looks Dapper!
Prabhas as Vikramaditya in Radhe Shyam (Photo Credits: Twitter)

The makers of Radhe Shyam had promised that they would be sharing a big surprise for all fans today. The team has indeed given a major treat for all fans of Prabhas especially, right before his 41st birthday that is on October 23. The makers of Radhe Shyam have introduced Prabhas as Vikramaditya and shared his look from the film. We must say, his dapper look will surely steal your heart. Radhe Shyam: Makers Of Prabhas And Pooja Hegde Starrer Have A Big Surprise For Fans On October 21! (Watch Video).

The poster introducing Prabhas’ character from Radhe Shyam is bright and colourful. It features a series of colorful vintage cars set against the backdrop of exquisite monuments. Prabhas is seen sporting a stylish semi-formal avatar, black pants teamed with burgundy colors t-shirt and an indigo colour casual blazer. The handsome hunk who is seen seated on one of the vintage cars has completed his look with a pair of laced leather shoes, stylish pair of sunglasses, side-swept hairstyle and an infectious smile. Beats of Radhe Shyam: First Motion Poster of Prabhas' Next to Release on His Birthday!

Prabhas As Vikramaditya In Radhe Shyam

This poster of Prabhas has been released in multiple languages and we bet, fans are thrilled to see his dapper avatar. It was on the occasion of Pooja Hegde’s birthday, the female lead, when the team had introduced her character look from the film. Well, now we just cannot wait for ‘Beats Of Radhe Shyam’, the first motion poster of Radha Krishna Kumar directorial to be dropped online and that is happening on October 23!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 21, 2020 12:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

‘Deva’ Box Office: Shahid Kapoor and Pooja Hegde’s Movie Grosses INR 34.01 Crore Worldwide in Opening Weekend
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‘Deva’ Box Office Verdict – Hit or Flop: 5 Reasons Why Shahid Kapoor’s Cop Thriller Has Underperformed in Its First Week

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