Following Allu Arjun's release on interim bail after being arrested in connection with the tragic stampede incident at the Pushpa 2 The Rule premiere on December 4, Allu was seen in a celebratory mood. The actor was visited by several friends from the film industry, including Naga Chaitanya, Vijay Deverakonda, and Rana Daggubatti. The celebration, however, has sparked controversy online. Many social media users have expressed dissatisfaction, stating that it was inappropriate for Allu Arjun to be seen celebrating while a child remains on life support due to the stampede. The backlash reflects a perceived lack of sensitivity towards the ongoing crisis. Allu Arjun and Family Seen Visiting Chiranjeevi’s Residence a Day After Actor’s Release From Hyderabad Central Jail (Watch Video).

Child's Condition: A Critical Update

The 8-year-old boy, Sri Teja, who was injured during the stampede at the premiere of Allu Arjun's film Pushpa 2: The Rule, remains in critical condition. As per the latest update from the hospital, Sri Teja is on ventilator support in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). The hospital statement confirms that while he is hemodynamically stable, he continues to suffer from intermittent fever, altered sensorium, and dystonic movements.

Internet's Backlash: Insensitivity and Discontent

The public's reaction to Allu Arjun's celebratory attitude post-release has been largely negative. While some feel that his arrest and subsequent bail were unjust, many argue that the actor's actions send the wrong message given the ongoing suffering of Sri Teja. The internet community feels that, in light of a child's critical condition and the death of his mother, Allu Arjun's mood was distasteful and tone-deaf. This has ignited widespread criticism, with many questioning the actor's priorities in the aftermath of the tragic event. Celebs Visit Allu Arjun: Naga Chaitanya, Rana Daggubati and More Show Support After Actor’s Jail Release (Watch Videos).

Not Good

PR Stunt?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 15, 2024 05:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website