Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra became the subject of major controversy after a private video allegedly featuring her went viral on social media platforms. The unfortunate news comes amidst a troubling trend in Pakistan, where popular social media figures have been targeted with digitally manipulated videos falsely depicting them in compromising positions. Pragya Nagra has now released a statement reacting to the MMS leak. Pragya Nagra’s S*x Video Leaked Online? Malayalam Actress Caught in MMS Scandal After Alleged Private Clip Goes Viral.

Pragya Nagra Reacts to Her Leaked Intimate Videos

Just hours after several intimate videos and pictures claiming to be of Pragya Nagra, the actress reacted to the same and denied the rumours and penned a long note expressing her discomfort regarding the controversy. Taking to her X (previously Twitter) handle, she wrote, "Still in denial, and still hoping that it’s just a bad dream that I will wake up from. Technology was meant to help us and not make our lives miserable. Can just pity the evil minds who misuse it to create such AI content and the people who help spread it!"

Pragya Nagra Reacts to MMS Video Leak

Pragya shared that the recent incident has been really stressful, and she is trying to stay strong through it. The actress also expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the people who have shown support to her during this difficult period and prayed that no other woman should ever go through something similar."

Who Is Pragya Nagra?

Pragya Nagra is a South Indian actress who predominantly works in the Malayalam film industry. She was born into a Punjabi family on December 14, 1998, making her 27 years old. Pragya Nagra started her career with modelling and also featured in several ads before debuting as an actress. She made her acting debut opposite Jiiva in the 2022 Tamil film Varalaru Mukkiyam. Pragya later went on to star in many Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu movies. Mathira Private Video Controversy: Pakistani Influencer Claims MMS Leak Was AI-Generated, Says ‘I’m Bold, but I Know My Limits’.

Pragya Nagra’s Instagram Post


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Previously, alleged sensitive videos featuring Pakistani social media influencers, including Kanwal Aftwab, Minahil Malik, Mathira and Imsha Rehman, were leaked online training concerns about safety and privacy in this digitally advanced world.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 08, 2024 07:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website