Dulquer Salmaan returns to Malayalam cinema after skipping out the entire year of 2018. His first film promises to be a colourful entertainer with an interesting name in Oru Yamandan Premakadha. The handsome superstar took to social media to share the first look of the film, and it is as interesting as the title. What's even more intriguing is the tagline - 'ithu ningal udeshichu katha thanne (this is exactly the story you expected to be). That's brutally honest, though! Dulquer Salmaan joins Aamir Khan and Radhika Apte at MAMI After Party - View Pics.
So the first look of Oru Yamandan Premakadha looks to be inspired by the posters of those massy movies we see of South superstars. The poster is splashed with holi colours, with a bearded Dulquer given top prominence in the poster. In thview-pic-671661.html');return false" href="https://facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://www.latestly.com/entertainment/south/oru-yamandan-premakadha-first-look-dulquer-salmaan-shares-the-poster-of-his-next-malayalam-film-and-it-looks-to-be-a-colourful-treat-view-pic-671661.html" title="Share on Facebook">