SS Rajamouli is presently on an all-time high basking in the glory of RRR wave in the West, and expecting the distinction of being the first Indian filmmaker to have a movie nominated in Best Film at the Oscars, fingers crossed. However, an old video of the filmmaker, reportedly from 2008, is going viral right now, and it is not exactly shows the director in a right light. The video taken during audio launch event of Billa, a 2009 film starring Prabhas, has the director compare his future Baahubali star with Hrithik Roshan. As per the video, he said, "A few years ago when Dhoom 2 was released, I wondered how come Bollywood filmmakers could achieve such quality. Don’t we have actors like Hrithik Roshan? Can we make films like that? As I was wondering about these questions, I saw a song from Billa and its posters. And now we saw the trailer. I have to say this now that Hrithik Roshan is nothing (in front of Prabhas). Thank you Meher Ramesh for taking the quality of Telugu cinema beyond Bollywood and to the level of English films." SS Rajamouli’s Top 10 ‘Greatest Films of All Time’ List is Going Viral; Fans Calling RRR Director ‘Badass’ For Picking Kung Fu Panda!

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