Namitha, who rose to prominence in Telugu films such as Gemini, Sontham, Billa, and Simha, is also a popular actress in Tamil. Fans are sending their best wishes to the actress after she shared adorable photos of herself flaunting her baby bump. The 41-year-old actress announced her pregnancy on Instagram, as she also shares photos from her most recent photoshoot. Pregnant Sonam Kapoor Shares a Radiant Selfie in a Floral Kaftan From the Sets of Her Next Project.
In these photos, we can see her in black two-piece attire, showing off her baby bump. Namitha captioned the photo, "Motherhood. When the new chapter began, I changed, something shifted in me, so tenderly." "As the bright yellow sunshine on me, new life, new beings call on me, You're all that I ever wanted, and I prayed for you so long, Your gentle kicks and your flutters, I can feel them all, You are making me something I've never been, but furthermore than I can ever be! - Namithaa," the 'Gemini' actress further added. Britney Spears Takes a Break From Social Media Weeks After Announcing Her Pregnancy News.
Check Out Namitha's Instagram Post Below:
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In 2017, Namitha married Chennai-based Veerendra Chowdhary. She has been relatively inactive in the film industry since her marriage, but still has a decent following in Tamil Nadu and the Telugu states.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 10, 2022 01:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website