The Malayalam film Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, was released in the theatres on December 20. The violent actioner is making waves at the box office despite thought competition from Vijay Sethupathi's Tamil film Viduthalai Part 2 and Sandalwood film UI starring Upendra. According to the latest box office updates, Marco has grossed INR 70 crore globally, becoming the highest-grossing film of Unni Mukundan. Amid its successful theatrical run, the latest reports suggest that Marco will soon make its OTT debut. ‘Marco’ Hindi-Dubbed Version Leaked in HD and Ultra HD on Torrents; Original Malayalam Theatrical Print of Unni Mukundan’s Ultra-Violent Action Thriller Also Pirated.

‘Marco’ To Release on OTT in February 2025?

Directed by Haneef Addeni, Marco also stars Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan and Anson Paul in important roles. The movie has received mixed reviews from audiences and critics both who seem to be impressed by the engaging storyline and high-voltage action sequences. According to social media buzz, the digital rights for Marco have been secured by Netflix. If the reports are to be believed, Marco is set to stream on the platform 45 days after its theatrical run. This hints that the film will be available for streaming by the end of January 2025 or early February 2025. ‘Marco’ Box Office Collection Day 10: Hindi Version of Unni Mukundan’s Malayalam Actioner Collects INR 1.79 Crore.

‘Marco’ Digital Rights Bagged by Netflix

Following its immense success in the North belt, the makers of Marco recently announced that the film will be released in Tamil Nadu theatres on January 3, 2025. Ravi Basrur composed the music, while Chandru Selvaraj handled the cinematography for the Unni Mukundan-starrer. With its impressive box office run, Marco has become the highest-grossing A-rated film in Mollywood, beating Dulquer Salmaan's Kammatipaadam (2016).

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 30, 2024 08:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website