There has long been tension within the Manchu family, but the situation seems to have reached a breaking point. Recently, actor Manchu Manoj filed a formal complaint against his father, veteran actor Mohan Babu. According to Gulte, Manoj approached the police station, accusing his father of physically attacking both him and his wife, Bhuma Mounika. This shocking development has raised eyebrows as the father-son duo, who have reportedly had a strained relationship for years, now face a new chapter of conflict that has spilt into the public eye. ‘Kannappa’: Makers of Vishnu Manchu’s Mythological Film Unveil Striking Poster of Akshay Kumar As Lord Shiva on His Birthday!

All Not Well in the Manchu Family

Manchu Manoj reportedly met with police officials and presented evidence of his injuries, which he claims were inflicted by his father, Mohan Babu. In response, Mohan Babu has filed a counter-complaint, alleging that he was the one attacked first. As authorities delve into the case, sources suggest that a long-standing property dispute within the family could be at the heart of this escalating conflict. With both father and son now filing cases against each other, the investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge in the coming days. Mohan Babu Expresses Grief Over Gurucharan’s Death, Shares Fond Memories of the Veteran Lyricist.

Statement From Manchu Vishnu's Team

Amid this, Manoj's brother Manchu Vishnu’s team issued a statement, calling the news false: “There is no truth in the news that Mohan Babu and Manchu Manoj have filed mutual complaints. There are imaginary stories that Manchu Manoj came with visible injuries at the police station. Some media channels are spreading false propaganda. There is no truth in them,” revealed a statement from Vishnu’s team. ‘Kannappa’: Leaked Picture of Prabhas From Mukesh Kumar Singh’s Upcoming Fantasy Film Goes Viral, Makers Announce INR 5 Lakh Reward To Trace Culprit.

For the unversed, in 2023, the ongoing feud between Manchu brothers Manoj and Vishnu escalated to a serious level, with reports suggesting it became physical. Manoj allegedly accused Vishnu, known for his role in Kannappa, of misbehaving with his family members. The incident attracted significant attention after a video of the altercation surfaced online, further fuelling the tension between the two.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 08, 2024 01:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website