The young director Jibit George, who co-directed the movie titled Kozhipporu, has passed away at the age of 31. The filmmaker breathed his last in Kochi. As per a report in India Today, the Malayalam movie director was complaining of chest pain since Saturday (May 9) morning but did not take it seriously. Jibit George died after suffering from a heart attack. Malayalam Actor Basil George Killed In Car Accident Near Muvattupuzha.

Jibit George suffered a heart attack at his residence in Kochi. The young director was reportedly rushed to the nearby hospital, but unfortunately, he couldn’t be saved. Shylock director Ajai Vasudev shared a picture of Jibit George on his Facebook page and paid condolences. Malayalam Actor Ravi Vallathol, 67, Passed Away at Residence in Thiruvananthapuram.

Ajai Vasudev On Jibit George’s Demise

The film Kozhipporu that released on March 6 had marked Jibit George’s directorial debut. He had co-directed the film with Jinoy Janardhanan. It starred Indrans, Pauly Valsan, Anjali Nair, Jolly Chirayath and Veena Nandakumar in the lead roles. The movie could not manage to have a long run in the theatres owing to coronavirus outbreak. The makers were planning for the re-release of the film once the lockdown is lifted. Jibit George is survived by his parents, Angamaly Kidangoor Kalathipparambil George and Bensi, and sister Jibina.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 11, 2020 09:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website