Malayalam film and television actor Dileep Shankar has been found dead in the room of a hotel here, the police said on Sunday. A source in the Kerala Police told IANS that Dileep Shankar had checked into the hotel two days ago. Shobhitha Shivanna Dies at 30: From ‘Mangala Gowri’ to ‘First Day First Show’, Here Are a Few Television and Film Roles of the Kannada Actress.

However, the hotel staff became suspicious after noticing no activity in his room and detecting a foul smell emanating from it.

Dileep Shankar Passes Away in Kerala Hotel

When the staff broke open the door, they found the actor dead.

The police were immediately informed and a team of police personnel arrived at the spot to initiate further inquiries.

Police sources stated that investigations are ongoing and that forensic tests will be conducted to determine the cause of death.

It has been reported that Dileep Shankar had been dealing with certain health issues which may have contributed to this tragic incident.

Dileep Shankar was well-known for his performances in several Malayalam serials, including Amma Ariyathe, Sundari, and Panchagni.

Cantonment police SHO Peajeesh Sasi told mediapersons that the death is estimated to have happened at least two days ago.

He said that the AC in the hotel room was functioning and that the body had not decomposed as much as it would have in normal conditions.

The police officer said that the actor was known to have had some health issues, but the exact cause of

death can be ascertained only after the post-mortem.

Some reports suggested that Dileep Shankar was in the capital city of Kerala for the shooting of television series Panchagni.

The director of the show reportedly told the police that the actor had been suffering from a serious illness. The nature of the illness, however, could not be immediately known. Dileep Shankar was undergoing treatment for the ailment.

Meanwhile, sources said that the police have launched an investigation into the incident, adding that a forensic team will examine the hotel room in which Dileep Shankar stayed.

Initial examination of the hotel room did not hint at any foul play, a police source said.

Dileep Shankar, a native of Ernakulam in Kerala, has been part of several popular Malayalam shows. TP Madhavan Dies at 88; Veteran Malayalam Actor Was Known For Films Like ‘Ragam’, ‘Nivedyam’ Among Others.

He is known for playing roles in serials like Amma Iriathe, Panchagni and Sundari.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 30, 2024 09:33 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website