Madha Gaja Raja, directed by Sundar C, was finally released on January 12, 2025, after a 13-year delay. Initially planned for a January 2013 release, the comedy-action film faced numerous setbacks, including production issues and distribution conflicts. The film follows Raja, a lively young man tangled in misunderstandings and family drama, which leads to hilarious situations. Vishal plays the lead role, while Santhanam’s impeccable comic timing and witty one-liners steal the spotlight, delivering much of the film’s humour. The supporting cast, including Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Prakash Raj, offer strong performances, contributing to the overall charm of the movie. Despite its long delay, Madha Gaja Raja has received praise for its vibrant and entertaining mix of comedy and action. Check out critics' reviews here. ‘Madha Gaja Raja’: Did You Know Taapsee Pannu Was Originally Cast As the Female Lead in Vishal-Sundar C’s Long-Delayed Film?.
The Indian Express: To give credit where it’s due, if given the opportunity, Sundar C might not make Madha Gaja Raja the same way in 2025. Of course, aiming for political correctness in a Sundar C comedy is like searching for Manobala’s car in a haystack. There’s no point, and the earlier we get to that realisation, the easier it gets to enjoy the ride. But still, one can assume that Madha Gaja Raja might have been toned down in some places, elevated in a few others, and overall, been a different kind of a comedy caper if it was made in 2025.
Madha Gaja raja Trailer
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 12, 2025 04:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website