National award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh was all set to mark her Bollywood debut with Ajay Devgn's Maidaan. However, it was later revealed that she had decided to exit the project and producers were convinced with her decision. The reason that was discussed then was about her apprehensions of playing someone who's slightly older in age. The actress had discussed her concerns with producer Boney Kapoor and he was more than willing to let her go. However, turns out this wasn't the real case. Maidaan New Poster Out! It Will Get Really Muddy In This Ajay Devgn-Priyamani Biopic (View Pic).
Miss India actress Keerthy Suresh in her recent interview with Bollywood Hungama revealed the real reason behind quitting Maidaan and it was nothing related to the aforementioned concerns. She, in fact, had date issues to sort out and it couldn't work out. When the host asked her if her weight loss (for Miss India) was the reason why she felt she won't look best for her role in Maidaan, Keerthy denied it saying, she had date issues and hence couldn't go along with it. Maidaan: The Shooting of Ajay Devgn's Sports Biopic Won't Resume Until November, Confirms Producer Boney Kapoor.
Keerthy's exit prompted the makers to approach The Family Man actress, Priyamani for the role. Incidentally, the role was first offered to her but she had rejected it for reasons best known to her. However, when she was re-approached for the same role, she came on board willingly. Ajay's Maidaan is a biopic on Indian football coach, Syed Abdul Rahim. He's a well-known name in the Indian football circle and is tagged as the architect of modern Indian football.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 04, 2020 05:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website