Kannada actress Yagna Shetty recently got married to entrepreneur Sandeep Reddy. The couple's wedding was held at Adyar Garden, Mangalore on Wednesday. The pictures from their grand wedding went viral on social media in no time. The actress looked beautiful in a traditional south Indian wedding saree. The fans poured congratulatory messages on her social media accounts as their snaps were circulated all over.
In the pics, we can see them posing happily at the venue with their family and friends. The bride looked wonderful as she donned a light pink saree with a bold pink border. It was paired with a heavily embellished blouse. She wore chunky gold necklaces and bangles to add glam to the look. The groom wore a white sherwani with a light pink turban that matched the bride's saree. Check out the pictures below.
Yagna and Sandeep
Wish you a very happy married life @yajnashetty and #Sandeep_Shetty pic.twitter.com/qBdrjzrWmD
— Rishab Shetty (@shetty_rishab) October 30, 2019
The Sandalwood actress debuted in the south film industry with the flick Ondu Preethiya Kathe (2007). She is also known for her roles in films like Sugreeva, Allide Nammane Ille Bande Summane, Love Guru, Kalla Malla Sulla, Ulidavaru Kandanthe. She was also seen in Ram Gopal Varma's film Lakshmi's NTR wherein she played the lead character. Coming back to the pictures, didn't she look pretty as a bride? Stay tuned with us for more updates from the entertainment world.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 31, 2019 01:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).