Actress Kajal Aggarwal has been roped in to be the face of KhelPlay Rummy, an online gaming platform which has revolutionised the rules and trends of playing online rummy. Kajal, an avid rummy player, said: "I have been playing rummy recreationally for a while now. I am happy to officially be a part of KhelPlay Rummy, one of the leaders in the online rummy space in India." Kajal Aggarwal to Play John Abraham’s Wife in Mumbai Saga.

"It's amazing to see the growing passion for rummy in India and KPR's initiative to drive the generation via digital platforms to play the game," she added. India's online gaming industry will reportedly to generate a revenue of INR 11,900 crore by 2023 and is currently spurring at 22 per cent CGAR, by a KPMG report. To boost this further, KhelPlay Rummy has a database of 30 lakh users and continuously strives to engage their players and retain them by having an array of 10, 13, 21 and 27 cards rummy like pool, points, and deals. Prasanth Varma to Direct Awe Sequel! Have Kajal Aggarwal and Vijay Sethupathi Bagged the Lead Roles?

Talking about this association, Chaitanya Salunke, head of marketing, Khel Group said: "We are excited to have Kajal as the face of the brand as this will go a long way in improving the awareness of our brand and the game overall. Moreover, this affiliation will also help the people relate more with rummy and re-emphasise the fact that rummy is a skill-based game, which offers fun and thrill at the same time."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 24, 2019 05:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website