SS Rajamouli took everyone by surprise when he revealed the names of the actresses who’ll be playing the lead in the upcoming magnum opus, RRR. Though it was known who’d be playing male lead, the curiosity amongst the fans to know the names of the female leads were quite high. At the RRR press meet which was held in Hyderabad, the Baahubali director confirmed that Alia Bhatt and Daisy Edgar-Jones have been roped in as the female leads and they have been paired opposite Ram Charan and Jr. NTR respectively. But who is Daisy and what would be role in the film was the very next thing that the moviegoers wanted to know. RRR: Jr NTR to Romance Daisy Edgar-Jones in SS Rajamouli’s Magnum Opus!
Daisy Edgar-Jones shot to fame with her role in the TV series Cold Feet. The Britain beauty is also known for her works in War of the Worlds, Pond Life and more. According to a report in DNA, Daisy wasn’t the first choice. A source revealed to the daily, “She wasn’t the first choice however, and the director did consider a few other profiles before zeroing in on her. The actress’ theatre background and great performance was a huge reason behind her being roped in”.
The report also mentions Jr. NTR’s heroine Daisy Edgar-Jones would be playing the role of a colonial British woman in the film. About it the source mentioned to the daily, “Rajamouli and team were out on the search for an actress who’d play a colonial British woman who pities the plight of Indians and the injustice being meted out to them. It was mandatory to have a fresh face who’d be able to perform easily in the setup of a foreign language and Daisy fit the bill.” Daisy Edgar-Jones in RRR: All You Need To Know About The War Of The Worlds Actress Paired Opposite Jr NTR (View Pics)
SS Rajamouli is known to create beautiful films, which would be a visual treat for the audience. This upcoming period drama is scheduled to hit the screens worldwide on July 30, 2020. It would be released in Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil languages simultaneously. Stay tuned for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 16, 2019 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website