Veteran Malayalam actor, Innocent, passed away on March 26, leaving his fans and family in shock. Reportedly, he died at 75 due to multiple organ failure. Now, as per latest updates, the mortal remains of the acclaimed artist is said to be kept at the Kadavanthra Rajiv Gandhi Indoor stadium in Ernakulam today (March 27) for the public to pay last respects and later by afternoon it will be shifted to his native place in Irinjalakuda. Having said that, Innocent's last rites will take place on March 28. Innocent No More: Prithviraj Sukumaran and Dulquer Salmaan Mourn Demise of the Veteran Malayalam Actor.
Innocent Funeral Update:
Malayalam actor #Innocent dies: Mortal remains to be kept at Ernakulum & Irinjalakuda, funeral on March 28
— Free Press Journal (@fpjindia) March 27, 2023
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