Filmmaker S Shankar has clarified that Anurag Kashyap misconstrued his comments about crafting Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, with a reel-centric approach during the promotional campaign for his upcoming Telugu film. In a recent interview with THR India, Kashyap voiced apprehensions regarding Shankar's purported cinematic style, which he asserted was meticulously designed to cater to the fleeting attention spans cultivated by the pervasive influence of short-form video platforms. This contention stemmed from Shankar's earlier pronouncement at a pre-release event in Dallas, where he avowed having meticulously structured Game Changer with the ephemeral viewing habits of the social media era in mind. ‘Disgusted’: Anurag Kashyap Plans To Relocate From Mumbai to South, Expresses Displeasure With S Shankar’s Views on ‘Game Changer’ (Watch Video).

S Shankar Believes Anurag Kashyap Misunderstood His Statement on 'Game Changer'

“I didn’t say anything about Instagram reels. We should convey things quickly and effectively. When we fail to do so, we allow the audience space to get distracted. The film should be engaging throughout. Editor Reuben has achieved that in Game Changer. That’s what I wanted to convey. I didn’t know (Anurag) had said this and it’s shocking. Because it came from a genuine place," S Shankar clarified to journalists over Anurag Kashyap's recent remarks as per The Hindu. ‘Game Changer’ Trailer: Ram Charan As Fierce IAS Officer Locks Horns With Politician SJ Suryah for Justice in Massy Thriller Co-Starring Kiara Advani (Watch Video).

Watch Anurag Kashyap's Interview With THR India:

This Is Why S Shankar Clarified His Statement

For context, Anurag Kashyap recently on THR India had expressed his displeasure over S Shankar's comments regarding the reel-lifying Game Changer. Speaking to THR India, Kashyap said, “I was recently reading a statement by Shankar sir where he mentioned, Today’s audience has a very short attention span. They watch reels, so we kept that in mind while making Game Changer. I’m not sure what that means, and we’ll only know when we see the film.”

For the unversed, Shankar’s Telugu debut, Game Changer, is a political action thriller starring Ram Charan as an IAS officer, with Kiara Advani and Anjali in key roles.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 04, 2025 09:20 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website