While Pushpa 2: The Rule, and particularly Allu Arjun, has been receiving positive responses from fans across most parts of India, Fahadh Faasil’s portrayal of the antagonist, Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat, has garnered mixed reviews. While the Malayalam actor’s performance is widely praised, the character itself has been criticised for failing to evolve into a truly formidable foe for Allu Arjun’s Pushpa. Disappointed fans have expressed their views on social media, and amidst this, an old interview clip of Fahadh Faasil with Film Companion (before it ceased to exist) has resurfaced and gone viral. ‘Pushpa 2 The Rule’: ‘Fahadh Faasil Has Been Done Dirty’! Fans Disappointed With Actor’s Role in Allu Arjun’s Movie – Find Out Why.

In the interview, Fahadh candidly admitted that he knew the character would not significantly benefit him. He stated that he took on the role purely for the director, Sukumar, and did what he could within the limitations of the space given to him. This revelation raises the question of why the actor chose to accept the project in the first place, knowing its constraints.

Watch Video of The Interview Clip Here:

Fahadh has played the character of the corrupt and egoistic police officer in both parts of Pushpa, and both elicited mixed responses from fans. On the other hand, his villain roles in Tamil Cinema - be it in Vellaikkaran or Maamannan - received acclaim. ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ Movie Review: Allu Arjun Gets God-Elevated in Sukumar’s Meandering Hero-Worship Exercise.

Fahadh Faasil, otherwise, had a good year in 2024 when his Aavesham enjoyed good critical acclaim and also fabulous box office performance, while his production, Premalu, is one of the most profitable Indian movies of the year.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 03:53 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).