Mohanlal and Mammootty are not only the biggest stars of Malayalam Cinema, but the two actors also share a great rapport off screen. From doing films together to creating memories even behind the cameras, Mohanlal and Mammootty are known to be great pals. Today, on the occasion of Dulquer Salmaan’s birthday, Lalettan as he is fondly called, extended heartfelt wishes to his friend’s son on Twitter. Kurup Sneak Peek: This Video Featuring Dulquer Salmaan As Sukumara Kurup, The Most Wanted Criminal, Is Classy And Massy!

Mohanlal shared a picture of Dulquer Salmaan and wrote, “Happiest Birthday Wishes Dear @dulQuer”. To this adorable post, DQ responded as saying, “Thank you dearest lal etta !” There are many other celebs who have also wished DQ on this special day. It includes Prithviraj Sukumaran, Aju Varghese, Kurup co-star Tovino Thomas, Kajal Aggarwal, Hansika, Hey Sinamika co-star Aditi Rao Hydari, among others. Dulquer Salmaan Signs Director Hanu Raghavapudi's Next Love Story, To Play a Lieutenant in the Same.

Mohanlal’s Birthday Post For Dulquer Salmaan