The wedding bug has now hit the South film industry as well. After some high profile weddings and receptions in tinsel town, it’s the turn of Shivaay actress Sayyeshaa Saigal and Kollywood sensation Arya. The duo will be tying the knot on March 10, in a traditional Muslim wedding, followed by a grand reception in Hyderabad. Sayyeshaa is the daughter of actors Sumeet Saigal and Shaheen Banu, and the grandniece of actors Saira Banu and Dilip Kumar. Dilip Kumar Turns 96: Veteran Actor to Celebrate Birthday With Wife Saira Banu and Close Friends, Family

While Sayyeshaa made her film debut with the Telugu movie Akhil in 2015, post which she made her Bollywood debut opposite Ajay Devgn in 2015’s Shivaay, she later had a 3-film release within 20 days and is currently shooting with her husband to be for a film titled Kaappaan, read a report in Bombay Times. With No Help From Narendra Modi or Devendra Fadnavis, Dilip Kumar Slaps Defamation Notice on Mumbai Builder Sameer Bhojwani

As for Arya, it can be recalled that he had his own version of the Swayamvar series last year, called Enga Veetu Mapillai. However, it landed the actor in hot soup when he refused to marry the chosen finalists. The actor decided not to choose between the three finalists, saying that he did not want to pick one and hurt the other two girls.

Recently, another prominent Tamil actor Vishal, announced his wedding with actress Anisha Alla Reddy, post which Arya, who has always stated that he will marry only after his best buddy Vishal ties the knot, announced his wedding. The duo is said to have come close during the filming of their 2018 movie Ghajinikanth and are currently a part of another flick, titled Kaappan.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 03, 2019 08:51 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website