Malayalam actor Dileep is getting no respite from the court proceedings against him in the controversial case of assaulting an actress in 2016. Dileep is one of the key accused in the case, with the police alleging that he was the mastermind behind the operation. Dileep, on the other hand, claims that the police investigation has been biased and certain influential people are deliberately incriminating him. Through his lawyers, the actor had a filed a request to bring the CBI to investigate the case. Malayalam Actress Abduction Case: Supreme Court to Hear Actor Dileep’s Plea Seeking Incident Clip on January 23.
In a major setback to Dileep, Kerala High Court has rejected his application for CBI intervention. This means that Dileep and his legal team have to deal with the findings of the Kerala police to prove his innocence. Ever since the actor has been arrested in 2017, Dileep has been saying that he is being framed in the case by powerful people, after the investigation team was changed after the arrest of the main culprits. Malayalam Actors Dileep and Kavya Madhavan Have A Baby Girl Together; Share Good News on Facebook.
To give you some background, the victim, who had also acted with Dileep in quite a few movies, was abducted by a group of thugs while she was returning from dubbing in her own car. She was also allegedly sexually assaulted in the vehicle. The police managed to nab the culprits, including the kingpin, Pulsar Sunil. Dileep's name got dragged in when the police revealed in its reports that Sunil had made a call to a close associate of Dileep. They also mention that another member of the gang wrote a letter to the actor.
Dileep was later arrested in 2017 over these findings and had to spend a couple of months in jail before he got bail.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 19, 2018 03:39 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website