Keerthy Suresh tied the knot with her longtime beau, Antony Thattil, on Thursday, December 12. The couple exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony at a beachside resort in Goa. South stars Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan were spotted travelling together for the couple's wedding, reigniting dating rumours. Several photos of the actors boarding the same private jet to Goa have gone viral online. Keerthy Suresh-Antony Thattil Wedding: Thalapathy Vijay Dons Traditional Look As He Makes Rare Appearance at His ‘Sarkar’ Co-Star’s Wedding in Goa – Check Out Viral Photo!.

Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan Reignite Dating Rumours

In the photos and videos going viral on X (previously Twitter), we could see Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan undergoing security checks at the Chennai airport to attend Keerthy Suresh's wedding ceremony in Goa. In the photos, the Theri star was seen in a blue striped shirt, while Trisha Krishnan was spotted in a white printed tee shirt and blue jeans. Reacting to the pictures, a fan wrote, "Is it for a new work project or something more personal?" while another wrote, "Friendship goals".

Netizens React to Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan’s Viral Videos

Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan at Chennai Airport

Speculations about Thalapathy Vijay and Trisha Krishnan travelling together were confirmed after photos of the private flight's passenger list surfaced online. Besides the Leo stars, the flight had four other passengers. Keerthy Suresh Ties the Knot With Antony Thattil in a Traditional Hindu Wedding Ceremony – Check Out Beautiful Pics From Their Goa Wedding.

Viral Post Showing the Passenger List of the Private Flight From Chennai to Goa

Meanwhile, on the work front, Thalapathy Vijay has commenced shooting for his next with director H Vinoth, tentatively titled Thalapathy 69. It will be his last movie before venturing into politics. On the other hand, Trisha Krishnan will be next seen in Ajith Kumar's highly anticipated film, Vidaamuyarchi, directed by Magizh Thirumeni.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 13, 2024 08:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website