Dhruva Darja, the sandalwood actor, has revealed that he was tested positive for COVID-19. The Action Prince added that he has been hospitalised. His wife Prerana has also tested positive and is in the hospital. However, the actor has added that they are fine and everyone who was in their close proximity should get tested for coronavirus. Sonu Sood to Write a Book on His Experience of Helping Migrant Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic.

He wrote in his tweet, "My wife and I have both been tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms and hence chosen to get ourselves hospitalised. I'm sure we'll be back all fine! All those who were in close proximity with us please get yourselves tested and remain safe," Sara Ali Khan’s Driver Tests Positive for COVID-19; Simmba Actress and Family Test Negative for the Same (View Sara’s Insta Post).

Dhruva's brother Chiranjeevi Sarja passed away due to a cardiac arrest recently. Meghana Raj Shares a Heartbreaking Note Remembering Late Husband Chiranjeevi Sarja, Calls Their Child a 'Sweet Miracle' (View Post).

Deccan Chronicle quoted a source close to the actor's family: "During Chiranjeevi's funeral last month, some sections of people who had attended had also tested positive, as social distancing rules were not followed by those who attended the funeral. But now, the family has quarantined and there is no cause for worry. Dhruva has also requested all his primary contact to come forward voluntarily and get tested."

Quite a few Indian celebrities have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Kanika Kapoor, singer, was the first Indian celeb to be tested positive for the novel coronavirus, which was a huge scandal. Later, Zoa Morani, Karin Morani, Kiran Kumar were tested positive. Music composer Wajid Khan died due to COVID-19 related complications. A few days back, Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Parth Samthaan were tested positive. Sumalatha Ambereesh was the first notable Sandalwood actor to test positive for the disease. Amitabh Bachchan Is Overwhelmed by the Country’s Love for Him After Testing COVID-19 Positive, Expresses Gratitude With a Beautiful Poem (Read Here).

Dhruva Sarja will be next seen in the film titled Pogaru, for which he has collaborated with Nandkishore. Rashmika plays the leading role.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 15, 2020 04:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).