It was in mid-November 2019 when Kollywood hunk Vishal had shared the title and the first look of his 28th film, Chakra. It was an impressive poster shared and since then fans have been waiting to see more pics from the sets and also of the lead actors. This upcoming flick also stars Shraddha Srinath and Regina Cassandra as the lead actresses. There few pics that have hit the internet from the sets of Chakra, and they are just unmissable. Chakra First Look: Vishal’s Next Looks like An Action-Packed Flick, Regina Cassandra and Shraddha Srinath Are the Leading Actresses.

Chakra is written and directed by Anandan MS. The first poster did give a hint that this movie would be an action-packed drama. The latest stills that have hit the internet features Vishal and Shraddha Srinath. It is a scene in which Vishal and Shraddha, dressed in casual outfits, are seen interacting with a cop in the police station. In another still, you’ll see Shraddha holding a case file. Well, these stills have just upped our curiosity to know more details about Chakra, which is touted to be a cyber crime thriller. Thupparivaalan 2: Vishal to Take Over As the Director after Mysskin Walks Out Of the Project?

Latest Stills From The Sets Of Chakra

And Few More

Talking about Chakra, debutant director Anandan MS confirmed to Deccan Chronicle that this movie is not a sequel to Irumbu Thirai and is a fresh script. About the film the director told TOI, “Chakra will be an edge-of-the-seat thriller, and every character that appears in a frame will have some purpose. Script is the base for a film, but it’s characters that bring the story together. We have a crisp flashback, and I’m sure the action sequences in the film will be appreciated.” The shooting if Chakra is expected to be wrapped up by March 13 and is slated to hit the screens in May. Stay tuned for more updates from the world of entertainment!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 06, 2020 10:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website