Sai Pallavi is currently gearing up for the release of her Tamil film, Amaran, which is set to arrive in theatres on October 31. She also has a pan-India project, Thandel, alongside Naga Chaitanya in her kitty. However, amid this, an old interview of hers has recently resurfaced online, sparking controversy. Her alleged comments comparing the Indian Army to a 'terrorist' group have not been well-received by the internet. While the actor is currently busy promoting Amaran, this unexpected controversy has taken centre stage. ‘Amaran’ Trailer: Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi Bring Love and Sacrifice to Life in Heroic Biopic (Watch Video).

#BoycottSaiPallvi Trends On X - Here's Why

A resurfaced interview clip from January 2022 has sparked controversy surrounding Sai Pallavi. In the interview, the actress expressed her disapproval of violence, citing examples to illustrate her point. However, her reference to the Kashmiri Pandit genocide and the lynching of a Muslim driver carrying a cow has drawn significant criticism. "People in Pakistan think our army is a terrorist group. But for us, it is them. So, the perspective changes. I don't understand violence," reads a translated excerpt from the actress' interview. Sai Pallavi’s Traditional Badaga Dance With Family at Sister Pooja Kannan’s Wedding Wins Hearts (Watch Videos).

'Insulted Indian Soldiers'

'Boycott Her Movie Amaran'

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Here's Sai Pallavi's Viral Video:

Recently, Sai Pallavi visited to the National War Memorial, where she paid tribute to Major Mukund Varadarajan AC (P) and Sepoy Vikram Singh SC (P). However, her visit has met with mixed reactions with many believing this move is an attempt to mitigate the backlash following her controversial past comments.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 28, 2024 06:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website