Malayalam film Marco, starring Unni Mukundan, is creating waves across the country. Directed by Haneef Adeni, the film, due to its intense violence, is available for adult viewing and has already won the hearts of audiences nationwide. This movie also marks Unni Mukundan's first to cross the INR 100 crore mark at the global box office. Recently, the Hindi version of the film crossed the INR 10 crore mark as well. Telugu superstar Allu Arjun, who has a large fan base in Kerala, also showered praise on Unni Mukundan's Marco. ‘Marco’ Movie Review: Unni Mukundan Brings Swag to a Gory, Disturbingly Violent Action-Thriller (LatestLY Exclusive).

Allu Arjun Showers Praise on Unni Mukundan’s ‘Marco’

In a recent interview with Mathrubhumi, Marco director Haneef Adeni confirmed that Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun had called him post the success of their film. He called it "one of the most joyful moments ever." He said, "We had talked for a while. He praised the film as well as the technicians. He was impressed by its making and especially the quality of the film. He had also invited me to travel to Hyderabad and meet him in person. I consider it a blessing to be able to talk to a star like him."

Watch the Teaser of ‘Marco’:

Allu Arjun’s Bail Update

On the other hand, Allu Arjun is enjoying the global success of his latest release, Pushpa 2: The Rule. For the unversed, the Telugu superstar was arrested and released in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede incident, which killed a 35-year-old woman. The unfortunate incident took place at the Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of the film on December 4, 2024. In the latest update from the case, the Nampally Court on Saturday (January 11) exempted Allu Arjun from the requirement of appearing at the Chikkadpally Police station every Sunday. The court also granted permission for the actor to travel abroad. Allu Arjun Bail Verdict: ‘Pushpa 2’ Actor Granted Regular Bail by Nampally Criminal Court in Sandhya Theatre Stampede Case.

This comes after Allu Arjun filed a petition seeking certain exemptions from the bail conditions granted by the Nampally court in connection with the case.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 14, 2025 07:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website