Kannada film Bhairathi Ranagal, directed by Narthan and starring Shiva Rajkumar in the titular role, released in theatres on November 15, 2024. The film delves into the past of gangster Ranagal, whose reign was brought to an end by the undercover cop. Alongside Shiva Rajkumar, the film features a talented ensemble cast, including Rahul Bose, Rukmini Vasanth, Chaya Singh and Madhu Guruswamy, among others. Now, as per reviews out, the film has received mixed response, with critics praising Rajkumar's performance while criticising the film's predictable storyline. Check out Bharathi Ranagal's review roundup below. Shiva Rajkumar Health Update: ‘Bhairathi Ranagal’ Actor To Undergo Surgery in the US? Kannada Star Addresses Health Concerns.
OTT Play: "But the problem with the film is not just that – Ranagal needed a formidable opponent. Rahul Bose’s Parande was not that. He glowers a lot, but doesn’t come across as a powerful antagonist. Shabeer Kallarakkal as Parande’s muscle Gatta was far more impactful in his limited role. Even with a bunch of characters, the film offers nothing really to cheer about."
India Today: "Shiva Rajkumar hit it out of the park once again with his portrayal of Bhairathi Ranagal. The actor looks whistle-worthy throughout the film, whether it's arguing a case in court or slaying villains with his iconic ‘long’ (machete in the film). Shivanna’s screen presence is as powerful as ever, and this performance is certainly one for the books as one of his most iconic roles."Allu Arjun Charges INR 300 Crore for ‘Pushpa 2’? Tollywood Star Beats Shah Rukh Khan and Thalapathy Vijay To Become India’s Highest-Paid Actor.
Watch 'Bhairathi Ranagal' Trailer:
Times Now: "For those curious about the backstory of Bhairathi Ranagal and eager to see Shivanna in peak action, this is a must-watch. For the rest it is the ‘usual’ theme of a good samaritan turning bad for good. Period."
Desimartini: "Despite its narrative shortcomings, Bhairathi Ranagal excels technically. Narthan and cinematographer I. Naveen Kumar use classic framing to craft visually striking scenes that exude a timeless quality. Composer Ravi Basrur surprises with a balanced score, restraining the urge to rely on bombastic drums for every heroic moment."
So, after reading the above reviews, will you watch Bhairathi Ranagal in the theatre near you?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2024 04:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).