Mohanlal is making his directorial debut with Barroz 3D - Guardian of Treasure, a Malayalam film that revolves around Barroz who protects Guard Vasco da Gama’s hidden treasures. Mohanlal revealed the Hindi trailer in front of Akshay Kumar. The film promises stunning visuals and tells an exciting story about treasure, friendship, Portugal connection and old curses. Barroz will be released on December 25 in 3D across Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada languages, promising a cinematic marvel for audiences worldwide. ‘Barroz’ Release Date: Mohanlal’s Directorial Debut To Arrive in Theatres on Christmas 2024, Confirms Director Fazil.
‘Barroz’ Trailer Unveiled: Mohanlal as the Guardian of Treasure Across Timelines
In the 2-minute shows, Mohanlal plays the titular character, a ghost who’s the guardian of treasures. The trailer shows different timelines - the present and the past when the Portuguese colonised India. After guarding Vasco da Gama’s treasure for 400 years, Barroz says he will leave only when the true descendent of Gama owns it. The movie is based on Jijo Punnoose's novel Barroz: Guardian of D'Gama's Treasure and is produced by Antony Perumbavoor of Aashirvad Cinemas. ‘Barroz – Guardian of Treasure’ Trailer: Mohanlal Directs and Stars in a Period-Fantasy Tale of Vasco da Gama’s 400-Year-Old Hidden Treasure (Watch Video).
Watch Barroz - Guardian of Treasure (Hindi) Trailer
Barroz, also features Maya, Cesar Lorente Raton, Kallirroi Tziafeta, Tuhin Menon, and Guru Somasundaram in significant roles.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 11, 2024 03:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website