Ernakulam Law College student, who had misbehaved with National Award-winning actress Aparna Balamurali during her campus visit to promote her upcoming film, was suspended for a week on Friday. Early this week, the second year student Vishnu, during a function organised at the College campus as part of promotion of film, Thankam suddenly rushed to the stage, handed a flower to Aparna who was sitting, shook hands before forcing her up and putting his hands on her shoulder for a photo. Aparna Balamurali is Visibly Uncomfortable After Student Misbehaves With Thankam Actress at Kerala College Event (Watch Viral Video).
Later, on the stage, an office-bearer said 'sorry' at which the student again approached the actress for a handshake, but she refused. A video of this incident shows Aparna trying to move away from the student. After the video turned viral, the Ernakulam Law College Union apologised for the boy's behaviour but as the encore increased, it suspended him from the college for a week. Amala Paul Alleges Religious Discrimination After Being 'Denied' Entry in Kerala's Thiruvairanikulam Mahadeva Temple.
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A college student misbehaved with actress Aparna Balamurali during the promotion function of Thangam movie. @Vineeth_Sree I'm surprised about your silence 🙏 What the hell #Thankam film crew doing there.
@Aparnabala2 #AparnaBalamurali
— Mollywood Exclusive (@Mollywoodfilms) January 18, 2023
In an apology, the Union said it 'deeply sorry' for the incident which has hurt the actress, saying it is being viewed as a very 'grave' issue. The 27-year-old actress won the National award for her role in the Tamil film Soorarai Pottru.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 20, 2023 05:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website