Telugu actor Manchu Manoj is all set to make a comeback to films after taking a break for three years and ever since the announcement of his upcoming film Aham Brahmasmi came, fans have been super excited for it. After the big announcement last month, a first look of the film has now been released and it looks intriguing. The pan-Indian venture, the film will release in five languages namely, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. The first look features Manchu's three faces just like Lord Brahma. Manchu Manoj and Pranitha Reddy Head for Divorce, Tollywood Actor Shares Statement on Twitter.
The film is expected to be an action-packed drama and we have to say the intense first look does convey that. Fans are going gaga over Manchu's first look and can't wait for the film to hit the screens soon. Sharing the first look, Manchu Manoj wrote, "Here comes the First look of our Pan Indian film #AhamBrahmasmi. #AB is all set to make some loud noise after the years of my absence on screen. Promising you some goosebumps with this crime, comedy & action packed film."
Check Out the First Look Here:
Here comes the First look of our Pan Indian film #AhamBrahmasmi. #AB is all set to make some loud noise after the years of my absence on screen. Promising you some goosebumps with this crime, comedy & action packed film🔥#AhamBrahmasmiFirstLook #AhamBrahmasmiFL #ABFL
— MM*🙏🏻❤️ (@HeroManoj1) March 4, 2020
The film's shoot is all set to begin in Hyderabad on March 6. The comeback has been an emotional one for the Telugu actor who had expressed his emotions on Twitter a while ago. The actor wrote, "Coming forward to u guys after 3 years. Feel the same emotion as I felt for my first movie DD. Thanks for all ur love and support on and off-screen throughout this journey. I missed my Art which is my life. CineAmma, Vachesaaaa. Love you all Darlings."Pawan Kalyan’s Ex Wife Renu Desai Reveals That Actor Himself Denied Giving a Joint Divorce Statement!
The movie is being helmed by Srikanth N Reddy and the release date is yet to be locked. Of course, the film's Sanskrit title Aham Brahmasmi does ring bells for those who have followed the popular Indian Netflix series, Sacred Games but we are sure, this film is going to give the term another meaning altogether.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 05, 2020 11:35 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website