Sofia Hayat Ends Her Marriage With Vlad Stanescu, Calls him Devil

Sofia Hayat had a marriage with Egyptian symbolism, carriage rides and people dressed as royals.

Sofia Hayat with Vlad. (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Sofia Hayat is once again in the news as she shockingly ends her less than a one-year marriage with Vlad Stanescu. The model has written a lengthy post accusing her husband as ā€˜devilā€™ and ā€˜conman.ā€™ She also shared images with the captions, ā€˜Donā€™t keep calm cause itā€™s finally overā€™ and ā€˜There is no truth in him for he is a liar and the father of lies.ā€™ The couple got married in a lavish ceremony in Londonā€™s Royal Battersea Park in May last year. Vlad also claimed that he designed posh hotels like Hilton.

An excerpt from her note says, ā€œ You said you were an interior designer who designed palaces...YOU were in debt..You said you loved me..YOU does not lie or steal..I paid for our sacred Union..I paid for the bills and I paid for our food and clothes..and wanted to steal wanted everything I had...I met were working in a shop..but I did not care..I still loved you.ā€

She further writes, ā€œThe devil came to me disguised with the face of an angel..and tried to rape me of all that I am..but the sacred Mother is the All and can see the wrong. My power is truth, love and the love for my creation..for all that is good comes from me. There is one creator..Mother..Mata..Sekhmet..Allah Maa..Mary..and one power...LOVE. Anything else..ceases to exist. Now.ā€

Earlier, she had posted a heartfelt post about her husband that read, ā€œThe cosmic mother has finally been reunited with the cosmic father, and in our abundant unconditional love. The world will come to know it too. The alchemy of sacred sex brings about changes to the world in a way you never thought possible. The SUN The now here.ā€

The wedding that happened last year had a unique theme. It had Egyptian symbolism, carriage rides and people dressed as royals. She also made a smashing entry in a chariot pulled by four white horses that were made to wear unicorn horns.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 30, 2018 03:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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