Shivankit Singh Parihar, a popular face on social media who is known for his web sketches, has released a streaming show named Sixer. The series follows the story of a local cricketer, who traverses new paths as the game of cricket becomes dramatic with local level tennis ball tournaments and the politics that they entail. MINI MOVIE FESTIVAL ON AMAZON MINI TV... An Epic Milestone.
The actor, who is also the show's creator, said that the idea came to him in the thick of the first lockdown when everyone was confined to their homes and trying to get a sense of grip around what was happening in their lives. Jahaan: Mrunal Thakur Opens Up About Her New Short Film on Amazon Mini TV.
He tells IANS, "I'm the first member of the team of Sixer. I conceived the idea behind the series and then eventually developed it and took up the lead role as well. During the first lockdown, we were confined to our houses not knowing what was going to happen, blanketed by uncertainty."
"We were making a lot of sketch videos for social media from our homes and I thought 'ki ye sab toh chalta rahega, chalo thoda serious kam kar lete hain' (This is good for side hustle, let's do more serious work) and that's how I started working on the series."
Shivankit works for the social media entertainment channel, The Screen Patti. Asked what territory the show taps into, the actor shares, "The actual cricket happens in the sphere of tennis ball cricket in India. This version of the sport can be found at every corner of the country and comes with its benefits. So, we wanted to explore and tap into that space and bring out stories of people or the humans behind those players and jerseys from small towns." Sixer is streaming on AmazonMiniTv.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 19, 2022 08:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website