Ramesh Sippy has returned to the director's chair with the upcoming comedy, Shimla Mirchi featuring Rajkummar Rao, Rakul Preet Singh and Hema Malini. He was away from direction for two decades after his film, Zamanaa Deewana, featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Raveena Tandon, tanked at the box office. The first trailer of Shimla Mirchi was dropped on the internet today and it has some nice interesting moments. But the treatment of the film looks outdated. And that is not because of the fact that this film was made in 2014-2015. Yes, the movie could not find buyers back in the days and stayed underground for so many years. With the current fandom of Rajkummar, and even Rakul, the makers must have thought it might be a safer time to release the film in 2020 and these days, Rajkummar is busy shooting for a movie with global star Priyanka Chopra.
The trailer introduces us to the premise of the film, which after suspension of belief, sounds interesting. Rajkummar's character wants to propose to the girl of his dreams, Rakul, but instead ends up writing a love letter to her mother, Hema Malini, instead. If not the girl of his dreams, he does ends up impressing the dream girl.
Watch The Trailer of Shima Mirchi Here:
Rajkummar and Hema will pique your interest in Shimla Mirchi. Hema has been impressing the audience with her comic timing since Sholay. Here she gets to shine in the genre once again. Rajkummar is unrefined, but reminds us why we fell in love with the actor back in the days. This rawness is exactly what made us his fans. Rakul's screen presence is limited. But she looks pretty.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 26, 2019 06:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).