It was speculated that Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Meghan Markle's friendship has gone kaput and that the two ladies are not even on talking terms with each other. The rumours began after Meghan decided not to attend Priyanka and Nick Jonas' wedding in India that took place last year in December. According to the reports, Priyanka was hurt as she was really expecting Meghan to be a part of the celebrations, as she was when Meghan got married to Prince Harry. More fuel was added to the fire when Priyanka did not attend Meghan's baby shower.
However, turns out that these all were just speculations and there was no truth in them at all. Priyanka proved that all's good in the hood as she along with her husband paid a visit to Meghan to see her new born baby boy, Archie. As per a report in The Sun, Priyanka and Nick found baby Archie adorable. A friend told to the tabloid that they gave gifts from Tiffany & Co to Baby Archie. The quote also mentioned how Meghan looked great and that she is totally loving this new phase in her life. Meghan Markle to Choose Serena Williams as Royal Baby Archie’s Godmother? Tennis Star’s Recent Visit Sparks Speculations.
Well, Priyanka did quash these rumours when she congratulated both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex soon after the arrival of their baby boy was announced. Check out the screenshot of Priyanka's congratulatory message for them that she posted on her Instagram stories back then:
So the bottomline is that all is well between Priyanka and Meghan and all the rumours have been put to rest, forever.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 31, 2019 05:02 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website