New Delhi, March 23: Sandip Ssingh, producer of 'PM Narendra Modi', on Saturday, broke his silence over the controversy surrounding the lyrics credits of his upcoming movie. Ssingh said the names of Javed Akhtar and Sameer Anjaan feature in the poster of the movie as the makers used parts of old songs that were written by the two."We have taken the songs 'Ishwar Allah' from the film '1947: Earth' and the song 'Suno Gaur Se Duniya Walon' from the film 'Dus' in our film, thus we have given the due credits to respective lyricists Javed Sahab and Sameer Ji. @TSeries is our Music partner. @ModiTheFilm2019," Ssingh tweeted. PM Narendra Modi Biopic Trailer: Twitterati Slam Vivek Oberoi's Casting, Call the Film A Spoof.
Recently, Akhtar and Anjaan expressed their shock on finding their names under 'lyrics' on the poster. Akhtar was the first one to point out. "Am shocked to find my name on the poster of this film. Have not written any songs for it," the lyricist wrote on Twitter.
Soon after Akhtar's tweet created a buzz, Anjaan also took to the micro-blogging site to voice his surprise, saying, "Mujhe hairat hai apana naam pm narendra Modi film me dekh karr, Maine aisi kisi film me koi gaana nahi likha hai (I am shocked to see my name in 'pm narendra Modi' film. I have not given song to any such film)."
Apart from them, the poster also features the names of Prasoon Joshi, Sameer, Abhendra Kumar Upadhyay, Sardaraa, Parry G and Lavraj, among many others. Vivek Oberoi-starrer 'PM Narendra Modi' is based on the life of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The film was previously scheduled to release on April 12, a day after the completion of the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections, but has now been rescheduled to hit screens April 5.