In a shocking turn of events, a 36-year-old-man, Pintu Dey who used to work as an assistant to Bengali actor Ankur Hazra has allegedly died by suicide. As per a report in the Times of India, the deceased hanged himself at his residence in West Bengal's Kolkata. The reason behind Dey taking the extreme step is said to be a person who threatened him to leak his private videos, as claimed by Pintu's family member. Reports also hint that no suicide note as such has been found. TV Actress Divvya Chouksey Dies of Cancer, Good Friend Sahil Anand Mourns Her Loss (View Post).
According to the police, Dey hanged himself in his bathroom with the help of a towel, following which he was immediately taken to NRS hospital where doctors pronounced him 'brought dead'. Further, as per TOI, Pintu's close ones revealed that someone was blackmailing him over call for many days and also demanded money. He had threatened to release Dey's personal video if he was unable to pay. Leena Acharya, Meri Hanikarak Biwi Actress, Dies Of Kidney Failure.
Currently, the police are investigating the suicide matter. “He might be a victim of cyber fraud. A probe has been started,” a police officer said. However, the deceased's relatives have claimed that the police is not taking the case seriously. May his soul RIP.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 04, 2021 05:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website