There is only one girl who has taken over the hearts ahead of Valentine's Day, Priya Prakash Varrier. All it took for the Malayalam debutant to raise her eyebrows and wink to melt the guys out there. This viral song Manikya Malaraya Poovi from the film Oru Adaar Love has garnered 4.3 Million views on Youtube making the school sweethearts gush over the teen romance. While all this time it Priya's wink that made boys go gaga over her, now the male lead Roshan Abdul Rahoof expressions are making girls go weak!
The video that highlights the chemistry between school students was all about expressions of the stars, so applauding only the girl would not be fair enough, right? The female fans instantly took this responsibility on themselves and made sure that the latest chocolate boy of Mollywood too gets the deserved appreciation.
Roshan Abdul Rahoof took his official Instagram account to thank the fans for the immense support for his first song of the first film. He wrote, "Thank you everyone for your love that you have been showing us and I don’t know what more to say because it make me feel happier than ever when you all took it close to hearts. “Oru Adaar Love” This title itself says more romance to come.So keep supporting and spread love." His fans instantly started comparing him with Priya's expressions!
Here is the message that Roshan posted!
Here are some pictures of the newly found talent!
The guy can pull off the geek look well!
This damn smile!
Why so confused?
Manikya Malaraya Poovi Full Song from the film Oru Adaar Love
Oru Adaar Love is a romantic comedy written by the popular name Happy Wedding fame Omar Lulu. The much- talked about film will hit the screens on March 3, 2018. Coming back to the Malayalam heartthrob, are you a fan of his expressions too?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 13, 2018 10:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website