Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra stirred the pot with her candid response to Malayalam filmmaker Ranjith's resignation as Chairman of the Kerala State Film Academy. According to Onmanorama, Mitra harbours no strong feelings about the resignation. "I feel neither happiness nor sadness about the development," she remarked. "I have already said everything I need to say. It does not affect me." The saga began when Mitra revealed to the press that Ranjith had allegedly misbehaved with her during a visit to his residence in 2009 for Paleri Manikyam. Malayalam Filmmaker Ranjith Resigns As Kerala Chalachitra Academy Chairman Amid Misbehavior Allegations by Bengali Actress.

She was invited to discuss a potential project, but according to Mitra, the meeting took an uncomfortable turn when Ranjith made subtle advances towards her. Feeling uneasy, she decided to leave Kerala the very next day. Her accusations gained significant attention, leading to a public outcry and mounting pressure on Ranjith to step down from his position. Recently, the actress shared a post addressing the topic of smoking and drinking, stating that these habits shouldn't define her as a woman of low morals or make her seem like a 'fallen lady.' She emphasised that smoking and drinking don't imply she's available or lacks moral values. She wrote in her caption, "I do not know who made this and YES that's the bottomline. Thank you. Remember NO MEANS NO. YES MEANS YES."  Bengali Actress Accuses Director Ranjith of Misconduct; Saji Cherian Defends Filmmaker As ‘Innocent’, Demands ‘Written Complaint’.

Sreelekha Mitra’s Post About Moral Value




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Many such allegations surfaced following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report, which exposed instances of gender-based abuse and sexual exploitation within the Malayalam film industry.

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(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 25, 2024 02:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website