There is a sudden eruption of cinematic representation of current Prime Minister Narendra Modi's life. After the trailer of the biopic on him named PM Narendra Modi released, here comes a web-series on his life just ahead of Lok Sabha Elections 2019. The Umesh Shukla directed web-series is an original Eros project that has actors Faisal Khan, Ashish Sharma and Mahesh Thakur as Modi in various phases of life. The newly released trailer of the web-series, takes the audience through the timeline of his journey from being a tea-seller kid to becoming the Prime Minister of India. PM Narendra Modi Biopic Controversy: Plea Filed Against The Film in Mumbai HC, Activist Questions the 'Timing' of The Release.
The video has various actors playing the child, adult and PM version of Modi. The 10-part series will tell the tale of Modi's experiences and decisions based on them that made him join the political space and rise in it. If you have already watched the trailer of the Omung Kumar directed movie that has Vivek Oberoi as Modi, you will find a lot of resemblance. Check out the trailer of the series below.
Check out Modi Trailer Here:
The journey of this common man will truly inspire you! Here’s presenting the official trailer of #ErosNowOriginal series, #Modi.😇
Check it out here – …#ErosNow @umeshkshukla @RidhimaLulla @PMOIndia @narendramodi #DarshanJariwalla #JourneyOfACommonMan
— Eros Now (@ErosNow) March 26, 2019
Also, the junta might be interested to note that Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself has penned down the lyrics for this web-series. The music is given by music composer duo Salim-Sulaiman and the singers are Sukhwinder Singh and Sonu Nigam for this web-series.
Speaking of lyrics, the film on Modi recently was surrounded by a controversy for mentioning lyricists, Javed Akhtar and Sameer on its poster. The duo was shocked to find their names in the credit as they did not sing a single song for the movie. While the movie is slated to release on April 5, the web-series too is an April release, just ahead of Lok Sabha elections starting from April 11.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 26, 2019 08:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website