Kochi will play host to the fifth edition of the All Lights India International Film Festival (ALIIFF) to be held from February 8 to 12, said its organisers. More than 50 feature films from various countries, including national and regional films will be screened. ALIIFF has been the brainchild of Sohan Roy, a producer and director besides being the chairman of UAE headquartered Aries Group of Companies. Priyanka Chopra Jonas Gets Honoured at the Marrakech International Film Festival And It’s Her Desi Appearance In a Saree Which Is Just Wow (View Pics)
Roy has been credited with giving the Kerala audiences, a state of the art viewing through high quality film projection and classy theatres at his Aries Vismaya Max theatres. "After four previous editions being held here and at Hyderabad, ALIIFF is growing and is on course to bring in a new culture of film viewing in Kerala," said Roy. Karan Johar is Ambassador at Macao International Film Festival 2019.
This time the Kochi Corporation is partnering to see that ALIIFF gets all the local support. Nisha Joseph is the artistic director and the chief organiser of ALIIFF.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 12, 2019 04:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).