Producer-actor Jackky Bhagnani has the perfect wedding present for his soon-to-be bride Rakul Preet Singh. Jackky, who is all set to tie the knot with Rakul on Wednesday at the picturesque locale of Goa, has got a special love song for the actress. The song is a personal gift from Jackky to Rakul, adding an extra touch of romance to their upcoming wedding. Jackky Bhagnani-Rakul Preet Singh Wedding: Zayed Khan and His Wife Malaika Reach Goa for Duo’s Marriage Ceremony (Watch Video).
A close source reveals, "Jackky has poured his heart into this love song for Rakul, and it will be a part of their marriage celebration. He wanted to gift her something meaningful and something that she will always remember." Despite having the recorded song ready, Jackky remains tight-lipped, wanting Rakul to experience the magic first-hand during their intimate wedding in Goa. Rakul Preet Singh Flies to Goa for Wedding With Jackky Bhagnani (Watch Video).
The Haldi ceremony has already taken place on Monday evening, which was attended by close friends and family. The wedding will be taking place on February 21, after which they will join work and give their honeymoon a skip for the time being.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 20, 2024 01:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website